How to Draw Iron Man Tony Stark

Last week, my audience voted for the tutorial that they wanted on my Facebook page. And Iron Man was the most popular choice. Since this tutorial was directly chosen by my viewers, I wanted to make it extra special. As always, I am going to give you step by step instruction on how to get a likeness of Iron Man. But after the steps, I am going to try to do something special. I am going to teach you how to incorporate charcoal and fixative in to a drawing so that you can layer it like a painting. This video will be a little longer than usual, but it will be packed with great information. Grab your pencils and some drawing paper.Lets begin.

Tutorial By Merrill Kazanjian

Dispersion Effect Tutorial

This  tutorial shows you how to create a dispersion effect using Photoshop, Enjoy and visit the home page for more amazings tutorials :)

Click Here For Download the Bruches

Learn How to draw a coca-cola crushed can

How to draw a crushed cocacola can, with colored pencils and markers
Cómo dibujar una lata de cocacola aplastada, con técnica mixta
Como desenhar uma lata de cocacola esmagada com lápis de cor e marcadores
Comment dessiner une boîte de cocacola écrasé avec des crayons et des marqueurs de couleur
Hur man drar en krossad cocacola burk med färgpennor och markörer
Wie man eine zerdrückte Coca Cola Dose zeichnet unter Verwendung von Buntstiften und Markern
Как нарисовать дробленый Cocacola банку с цветными карандашами и маркерами

Watercolor Effect Photoshop Tutorial

This Photoshop tutorial covers how to create a watercolor effect in Photoshop. It's actually very simple. Free downloadable Photoshop brushes.

Tutorial by Photoshop Tutorials


Realistic Pencil Drawing Techniques Tutorial

This drawing tutorial will show you some of the graphite and charcoal drawing pencils I use to render and shade my extremely realistic pencil drawings. I am the artist that produced "The Man Behind the Paper" and other realistic drawings that so many people are attempting to reproduce on the internet. Now I'm producing a series of videos that will show exactly how I create my amazing drawing illusions and portraits. This first video will show the amazing pencils I use that produce very dark shading with no grahite shine.

Most pencil artists begin with using just graphite. But graphite, by it's very nature is incapable of producing extremely dark shading and when you try, it becomes 
very reflective. Graphite pencil's limited value range, combined with this distracting reflectiveness can kill the realism you are trying to achieve. If you are attempting to put in extremely dark values, you are probably trying to represent an absence of light. The last thing you would want to do is have graphite shining in those areas that can look as bright as some of the highlights.

Tutorial by JD Hillberry

La impresionante Historia de Andrs Picon

Conozcan Al Joven Andrs Picon, es un joven Diseñador Gráfico y Artista Digital.

Andrs nació con una Discapacidad la cual lleva por nombre; Parálisis muscular. Pero esta discapacidad no fue obstáculo para desviar la mirada de su objetivo que Con la ayuda de Dios es seguir perfeccionándose en su profesión el Diseño Gráfico.

Andrs diseña de una manera especial, >> usa su quijada para movilizar el mouse y su boca para escribir párrafos con la ayuda de un lápiz.

Personalmente para mi es más que motivación ! 

siganlo en su nueva pagina de facebook " Andrs Picon

Algunos de sus Últimos Trabajos son 

Tutorial Photoshop | Efecto piedra

Este es un Tutorial en el cual aprendeás el efecto piedra, Recorte con el Pen Tool y de como conseguir buen material.
-arte Surrealista

Tutorial by soft arts


Textura de piedra

( parte 1/3 )

( parte 2/3 )

( parte 3/3 )

Introducing New Features in Photoshop CC

today we’re announcing the immediate availability of new Photoshop CC features for Creative Cloud members. This update to Photoshop CC (version 14.2) includes many new features, including Perspective Warp for manipulating multiple perspectives in an image, and linked Smart Objects for easier reuse of design elements. We are also delighted to deliver support for 3D printing in Photoshop CC. Now you can design, edit and print in 3D using the world’s best imaging tool.

We want everyone to have a chance to try out these new features, as well as other features like Adobe Generator, which was introduced last September with the release of Photoshop CC version 14.1, and those released in the first version of Photoshop CC (version 14). We are excited to announce that we are resetting the trial clock for everyone today. Even if you have previously tried Photoshop CC and your trial has expired, now you can try the latest version of Photoshop CC for an additional 30 days and test-drive these awesome new features.

Tutorial | The Tree Sphere

photomanipulation tutorial (the tree sphere)
hope you like it

by BarakaArts

Tutorial | Beginner Photomanipulation

Hi this is a nice abstract tutorial, hope u like it,

digital painting tutorial

this is a digital paint tutorial, hope you like it

tutorial by Xia Taptara

Tutorial photoshop | Strange city

Tutorial photoshop | Strange city
This time we will learn how to make a strange city

by Sergey Likhachev

How to Paint a Realistic Eye [Coloring Tutorial]

Hi, in this great tutorial we going to show you how to draw a realistic eye and coloring it, hope u like it, enjoy !!

How to Draw a Nose - Step by Step

In this tutorial we going to show you how to draw a realistic mouth & lips, I hope you like it!!

Tutorial by Proko

How to Draw the Mouth & Lips (Narrated Step by Step)

In this tutorial we going to show you how to draw a realistic mouth & lips, I hope you like it 

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